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"Absolute Authority Figure" | ||
to T.O.C To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#21: "Because she claimed to have the spirit of prophecy, she came to be the visible, absolute authority figure for the initially small group of Adventist believers." (David Snyder) Ellen White became the absolute authority figure. Sad to say, more often than not, generally speaking, over the last 155 years, what she has written and said has not been followed. Anyone acquainted with her writings would agree, and toward the end of the video, this is even admitted by Sydney Cleveland (see #231) It is also admitted in Walter Rea's White Lie, which is one of the primary exhibits used in the video against Ellen White (see #196). But what about the early days? Her husband James published the following in the Review of 10/16/1855:
The last paragraph above describes precisely what this video is doing. No documentation whatsoever is given for this point in the Documentation
Package offered at the end of the video. |
"So Many Writings" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#22: "Her writings grew to be seventeen times as large as the entire Bible." (Ibid.) Seventeen times larger. John Wesley, Martin Luther, Spurgeon, and others wrote a lot too. So what? The video apparently endeavors to show that Adventists are supplanting the Bible
with the writings of Ellen White. That she wrote more words than what can
be found in the Bible, like other religious leaders have, is supposed to
somehow bolster this claim, but the amount she wrote is irrelevant to the
point. |
"As Inspired as the Bible" | |||
to T.O.C To Topical Index Next Straw Man ![]() |
#23: "Her followers were to reference these 5000 articles, 49 books, plus 55,000 manuscript pages she claimed to write and regard them as being as inspired as the Bible through Ellen White’s pen of inspiration." (Ibid.) As inspired as the Bible. This statement is revealing. To believe that Ellen White's writings are as inspired as the Bible is somehow wrong? It really doesn't make sense. Seventh-day Adventists do not believe in degrees of inspiration. Someone's writings are either inspired or they are not. The first eleven chapters of Genesis are either inspired or not. They are neither less inspired nor more inspired than the Gospel of Matthew. Since we believe that the Bible teaches that the gifts of the Spirit did not end in the first century, and that the Bible teaches that the gift of prophecy would be manifested in the last days, we believe that someone in the last days would deliver inspired messages like the Bible prophets did. Yet we have always maintained that the Bible must be the final authority. Any last day prophet that contradicts the Bible must be a false prophet. This was true in the first century as well. If Agabus or Phillip's four daughters (Acts11:28; 21:9, 10), in their inspired messages, had contradicted the Word of God, they would have had to be declared false prophets. As Paul said, "The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets" (1 Cor. 14:32). Agabus and Phillip's four daughters were just as inspired as Moses or
Matthew, Mark or Jeremiah, Isaiah or Luke, John or Jonah. But the
authority of Agabus and Phillip's four daughters' messages was always
subordinate to Scripture. |
"Last Word on Doctrine" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#24: "To this day official publications of the church have used her writings as the last word on doctrine." (Ibid.) Last word on doctrine. This is simply not true. Again we quote from James White in the Review of 10/16/1855 regarding what it was like in the early days:
The Bible is our "last word on doctrine," not Ellen White. After the Bible, who has the next-to-the-last word? Some super-smart scholar with seven Ph.D.'s who can quote the Bible from memory in the original languages backwards, or a divinely inspired prophet? The answer ought to be obvious to every Bible-believing Christian. Having grown up in the wilderness, John the Baptist was considered inferior in education to the rabbis and scholars of his day, yet Jesus declared that there was no greater prophet than John (Mat. 11:11). In the journals of that day, who should have had the next to last word: the inspired prophet John the Baptist, or Dr. Nicodemus, Ph.D.? What is really at issue here are two theological points:
No documentation whatsoever is given for this point in the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video. Perhaps "Point 17" was meant to do so, but the index does not identify it this way. "Point 17" is a page from a Ministry magazine article dated October 1981. The first paragraph says:
Well would it be if those responsible for the content of this video
read their own documentation. |
"Sources of Authority and Truth" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#25 & #26: "In the twenty-seven points of fundamental beliefs, they state that the Bible is a source of authority. But they also say that her writings are a continuing and an authoritative source of truth." (Ibid.) #25: A source of authority, not the source of authority. This is simply not true. In the twenty-seven fundamental beliefs, the belief about the Bible comes first. It says:
Please notice how it states that the Bible is the standard, the test, and the authoritative revealer. Please notice also under the following point that while we do believe in the biblical doctrine of spiritual gifts, we definitely believe that the Bible is still the standard by which all prophets and preachers must be tested. No documentation whatsoever is given for this point in the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video. #26: Ellen White's writings an authoritative source of truth. This is another straw-man argument. The simple reason is that if one believes that the biblical gift of prophecy will be manifested in the last days, then one must also believe that the writings or talks of the person genuinely having that gift must have some degree of authority, with the Bible having the ultimate authority. Number 17 of the twenty-seven fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists deals with the gift of prophecy:
The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video gives
the quotation above under both "Point 13" and "Point
94." Thus the documentation proves that Adventists believe, and Ellen
White taught, that the Bible is to be the standard by which
all are to be tested, including Ellen White herself! |
"In the Vault" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Oversimplif. |
#27 & #28: "They have, however, made her more embarrassing writings unavailable, locking them securely away in the White Estate vault." (Ibid.) #27: Unavailable, locked away in the vault. This is not true. The vault protects her writings against theft, vandalism, and fire, but all her writings are available and are not "locked away," unless, of course, it is after hours. All her published writings have been available on CD-ROM for a decade. There is an ongoing project of putting all her unpublished writings on CD-ROM as well. Until this project is completed, those interested in reading her unpublished writings can find them at the White Estate's main office in Silver Spring, Maryland; three branch offices located at Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Oakwood College; or one of eleven Research Centers operated throughout the world. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video lists "The White Estate Vault" as "Point 14." However, turning to "Point 14," we find but two selections that provide no evidence for the accusation. In fact, the two selections do not even once contain the word "vault." #28: Her more embarrassing writings are unavailable. This is another straw man, which utilizes a misunderstanding of what "more embarrassing" means. What "more embarrassing" really means is this: Sometimes Ellen White was shown personal matters in vision. Sometimes she was called upon to rebuke adultery, for example. Some of these matters were not common knowledge then or now. It would be "embarrassing" to the family members of the person(s) involved if such communications were free to circulate around with the name(s) of the offenders attached. Out of Christian courtesy, these writings were not published, or if they were, the name(s) of the offender(s) were most often omitted. The original documents and letters were kept in the vault for safekeeping. Enough time has passed so that the possibility of embarrassing someone
no longer exists, for the offenders have all died, and there are typically
a few generations between them and now. Therefore the White Estate is
working on putting every last thing on CD-ROM. |
"An Angel Stood by Her" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#29: "She claimed an angel stood by her bed near this chair in her bedroom." (Ibid.) Visited by an angel. Seems that I have read in the Bible how an angel woke up Peter and came to visit Daniel (Acts 12:7; Dan. 9:21). All this straw-man point shows is that one of three possibilities is the case:
"Prophecies Didn't Come True" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#30: "It’s a matter of historical record that the following prophecies of Ellen G. White did not come true as she foretold." (Sydney Cleveland) Prophecies did not come true. Not one clear-cut example is given
in the list that follows. |
"Jerusalem Built Up" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#31: "'Then I was pointed to some who are in the great error of believing that it is their duty to go to Old Jerusalem, and think that they have work to do there before the Lord comes... I saw that Satan had greatly deceived some in this thing... I also saw that Old Jerusalem never would be built up...' Early Writings p. 75. The exact opposite of Ellen White’s prediction has happened. Old Jerusalem has been greatly built up in the years since 1948 when Israel became a nation. She was absolutely wrong." (Ibid.) Prediction of Jerusalem not being built up failed. This is not true, for Ellen White's words are being misinterpreted. A similar statement by Ellen White found on page 136 of the book Maranatha has this modern-day note attached: "Written in the early 1850's when 'the age-to-come' advocates taught that old Jerusalem would be built up as a center of Christian witness fulfilling certain prophecies of the O.T." Support for this meaning of the phrase "built up" can be found in Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 2/28/1856. It gives the following statement which it goes on to refute:
In the 5/7/1857 issue, Alvarez Pierce wrote:
In the 1842 third volume of Miller’s Works, Miller says:
This statement doesn’t say Jerusalem will be built up. It says the Jews will be built up. It’s not talking about the number of buildings. Rather, it is talking about the Jews and Old Jerusalem occupying an extraordinarily special place in God’s workings in the last days or during the millennium. The phrase is found in Psalms 147:
As pointed out under #17, the Millerites firmly believed in the Pauline teaching that those who accept Christ are grafted into spiritual Israel:
Hence, this verse from Psalm 147 would have been seen by Millerites as a prophecy of the gathering together of all the redeemed, both Jew and Gentile, into the New Jerusalem, not the Old. Old Testament prophecies concerning literal Israel's return to Palestine were generally seen to be fulfilled when the Jews returned from Babylon in the sixth century BC. As Miller put it,
Many feel that Jerusalem will be a center for God’s activities in the last days, and so will disagree with Ellen White’s statement. But then it becomes an issue of a difference in theology instead of a false prophecy. The Encyclopedia Britannica says:
Since Jerusalem was indeed inhabited, inhabitable, and growing when Ellen White wrote the statement in question, the alternative meaning of the words "built up" is in order. The fact is that Jerusalem is still not "built up" in the sense she was using the words. Until it has been, this statement by Ellen White cannot be proven to be a false prophecy. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video gives
no evidence whatsoever that Ellen White meant an increase of buildings and
population by the phrase "built up." It only provides, under
"Point 18," the quotation from Early Writings that the
video quoted from. |
"Alive When Christ Returns" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible |
#32: "Again, Mrs. White foretold in Early Writings that she would be among the living saints when Jesus returned. 'Soon our eyes were drawn to the East, for a small black cloud had appeared, about half as large as a man's hand, which we all knew was the sign of the Son of Man... the graves opened... and in the same moment we were changed and caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.' The Day-Star January 24, 1846. Mrs. White was not among the living saints seen in her vision. This event did not occur in her lifetime. We are still looking for the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rather than being caught up with the living saints at Jesus’s return, Mrs. White died on July 16, 1915, and was buried beside her husband James. Another one of her prophecies failed." (Ibid.) Mrs. White said she would be among the living saints. She never said she would be among the living saints. The making of this point destroys the credibility of the Scriptures, for it in essence declares the apostle Paul to be a false prophet. The reader will notice that the quotation from Ellen White is very close in wording to 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17, where the apostle Paul says essentially the same thing:
The portions of the quotation from The Day-Star that the video left out make the parallels with 1 Thessalonians 4 even more striking.
If Paul can say, "We which are alive and remain shall be caught up," and not be a false prophet, then Ellen White can too. In the Bible, God chose to reveal events in vision to a prophet as if he were alive at the time the event was taking place, and sometimes even participating in that event. The books of Daniel and Revelation give a number of examples of this phenomena. A prophet who while in vision saw future events as if he were participating in those events is not necessarily a false prophet. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video gives
no evidence that Ellen White ever prophesied that she would definitely be
alive when Jesus came. It only provides, under "Point 19," the
quotation from Early Writings that the video quoted from. |
"In a Few Months" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#33: "Like others of her time, Mrs. White taught the imminent end of the world to spur on her workers. In Early Writings in the 1850's she urged the new converts on, telling them they had only a few months to wait. '...But now time is almost finished, and what we have been years learning, they will have to learn in a few months.' A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White p. 55." (Ibid.) Ellen White said in a few months Christ would return. She said no such thing. The careful reader will note that Ellen White's statement merely says that believers would be learning much quicker than previously. Ellen White attached the date of June 27, 1850, to the above statement. In 1854 she wrote basically the same thing:
Notice the similarities in thought of this passage and Hebrews 5:11-6:3. According to Ellen White, it is disgraceful to think that new believers must spend years learning the basics, the milk. Paul likewise urged that believers move on from the "milk" to the "strong meat." Generally speaking, the new believer learns today in a few months the truths of God's word that took years back then to hammer out. Ellen White's words are literally true. Besides, if she were predicting a date for Christ's return, she would be contradicting the statements she made during the same time frame that condemned setting dates for Christ's return (see #17)! The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video gives
no evidence that Ellen White ever said there was only a few more months to
wait. It only provides, under "Point 20," the quotation from Experience
and Views that the video quoted from. |
"Food for Worms" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Oversimplif. |
#34: "These were not isolated prophecies, but restated over and over again. In May 1856 at a church meeting in Battle Creek, Michigan, Mrs. White boldly stated, 'I saw that some of those present would be food for worms, some subjects for the seven last plagues, and some would be translated to heaven at the second coming of Christ, without seeing death.' Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 2 p. 208." (Ibid.) "Food for worms" vision did not come true. Will the reader please note the sentences immediately following the portion quoted:
Within days of Ellen White's statement, a lady who thought she would be one of those who would be "food for worms" was. Thus a remarkable fulfillment of the prophecy took place. What about the part of the vision that said some would still be alive
when Jesus came? The next point will address this question. |
"Stone Her" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible |
#35: "In biblical times she would have been stoned to death for being a false prophet." (Ibid.) Ellen White a false prophet for believing Christ would come in her day. This same idea is used by some theologians to undermine the authority of Scripture. The apostles, they say, believed and taught Christ would come in their day. They were wrong, they say. Therefore, they say, the Bible at times contains erroneous teachings. There are some verses in the New Testament which seem to support this attack on Scripture, such as 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Paul in this passage appears to say that some believers alive in his day would be alive when Jesus returned. Yet this interpretation of his words must be wrong, for Paul makes it crystal clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 that Christ's return was not imminent in his day. Should Jonah have been stoned because he said Nineveh would be destroyed in forty days, but it wasn't (Jonah 3:4, 10)? Should Huldah have been stoned because she said Josiah would die in peace but he didn't (2 Chr. 34:22-28; 35:20-24)? Is this what Mr. Cleveland is saying? Jonah and Huldah were not false prophets because what they said didn’t come to pass, for those prophecies were conditional on Nineveh’s continued unrepentance and Josiah’s continued obedience. Since Nineveh repented, it was not destroyed. Since Josiah disobeyed, the promised blessing of dying in peace could not be fulfilled.
Some prophecies are therefore conditional. The Bible clearly says that the gospel must be preached in all the world before Christ returns (Mat. 24:14). If His people are lax in reaching the lost, then Christ’s coming would be delayed. In 1883 Ellen White explained that Christ’s coming had been delayed
for this very reason (Evangelism 695), and she made similar
statements over the years. This 1883 statement was just twenty-seven years
after the May 1856 statement Mr. Cleveland is quoting. In 1883 no one would have thought to call
the latter statement a false prophecy, since a good portion of those who were present at the
May 1856 conference were still strong and healthy. |
"Downfall of USA" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy ![]() |
#36: "Mrs. White did not confine her prophesying to the events surrounding the coming of the Lord, but prophesied how foreign governments would act against the United States. In 1862 Ellen White predicted the downfall of the United States following a great war involving many nations." (Ibid.) Ellen White predicted downfall of United States. Technically, she predicted that if our nation remained divided, then it would fall:
It would be hard to refute such an assessment. But Ellen White did not say that our nation would definitely remain divided. In the same chapter, Ellen White wrote at length about how the North had often mistreated escaped slaves and returned them to their southern masters, in direct violation of the Word of God. Yet the Government, rather than righting these wrongs, declared a day of fasting and prayer to ask God's blessing on the war effort!
Clearly, this is a conditional prophecy. (See #35 for the Bible's teaching regarding conditional prophecies.) When the North would seek to break every yoke, then God would hear their prayers and bless. But if the North remained divided over the slavery question, then it would fall. A lot of the problems raised by the video were answered long ago in F.
D. Nichol's 1951 book Ellen G. White and Her Critics. We would
strongly recommend that those responsible for the content of this video
read his book. |
"England and the Civil War" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Bad Quote |
#37: "During the Civil War she prophesied that England would declare war on the northern states, and humble them into the dust. 'Said the angel... when England does declare war, all nations will have an interest of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion... this nation will yet be humbled in the dust...' Testimonies for the Church vol. 1 p. 259" (Ibid.) Ellen White predicted the United States' humbling by England. Actually, this quotation has been rearranged. It does not read this way in the original. "This nation will yet be humbled in the dust. . ." is a separate sentence standing on its own. It is the sixth sentence preceding the sentence "When England does declare war," not the first sentence after "this nation will yet be humbled in the dust." The intervening five sentences neutralize the point being made, as clearly shown under #38. One thing she did predict was the demise of the South, six months before their fortunes started sinking at Gettysburg:
Who told her that the "foot" of the South would "slide in due time" while they were still doing quite well? There are reports of other visions predicting events connected with the Civil War that did come to pass. For example, at Parkville, Michigan, on January 12, 1861, Ellen White had a vision after which she is reported to have said:
Only one state had seceded, and she was already having a vision about a
terrible civil war! It sounded absurd at the time, but it happened. |
"No World War" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#38 & #39: "History proves the utter error of this prophecy. England did not declare war on the northern states. Other nations did not join in." (Ibid.) #38: Ellen White predicted England would declare war. This is not true. Ellen White never said that England would definitely declare war on the North. Notice the intervening five sentences Mr. Cleveland omitted when he (or the author of whatever secondary source he is quoting) rearranged the paragraph:
Clearly, Ellen White's prediction was what would happen if England declared war, not that England would declare war. The honest reader who peruses the context of this passage may be surprised at how much solid information is there. Many today assume that the Civil War was fought over slavery. Historians declare, as Mrs. White has written, that this was not the initial motivation for the war. Rather, it was fought to maintain the Union. Many enlistees thought they were fighting to abolish slavery. But those in charge of the war had no such intention. Once Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation during the year after Mrs. White wrote these things, and the North became united in its goal of abolishing slavery, then the tide began to turn in favor of the North. We can thank the Lord that the North did unite in their opposition to slavery so that our nation did not fall.
As the World Book Encyclopedia says under "Emancipation Proclamation,"
So World Book makes it crystal clear that England was considering entering the war. It was the North's uniting against slavery that prevented England from doing so, and this is precisely how Ellen White described the political situation of those times. #39: Ellen White predicted that there would be world war. The same points brought out under #38 apply here as well. Ellen White did indeed connect the possibility of world war with the possibility of England declaring war. Yet though these two thoughts are certainly connected, it is clear that she never said there would definitely be world war at that time. The "general war" and "general confusion" in the passage under scrutiny, and the "active preparations for war" of "other nations" in the five omitted sentences quoted under #38 bring to mind pp. 268 and 269 of the same book. On those pages is a prediction of two times of world war separated by a little time of peace:
Interestingly, out of the 28 nations or more that fought in WWI, England was the fifth or sixth to declare war. First Austria-Hungary and Serbia declared war on 7/28/1914, then Germany and Russia on 8/1, then France on 8/3, and then England and Belgium on 8/4. And in WWII, after a little time of peace, England was among the first six nations to declare war out of at least 58. France, England, India, and New Zealand (the latter two having strong ties to England) all declared war on 9/3/1939, preceded only by Germany and Poland on 9/1. So there was world war when England did declare war. England ruled about a fourth of the world’s land and people, and then lost it all as her colonies sought their independence about the time of the World Wars. How interesting that Ellen White had connected England declaring war and general war with this very thing: "A portion of the queen's subjects are waiting a favorable opportunity to break their yoke. . . ." (Testimonies for the Church 1:259) She never said, "When England does declare war on the United
States. . . ." She said, "When England does declare war. . . ." There is a difference. |
"USA Not Humbled" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#40: "The United States of America was not humbled into the dust in defeat. Mrs. White again clearly to the objective mind prophesied falsely." (Ibid.) Ellen White predicted the United States' being humbled into the dust in defeat. She said no such thing. The facts are these:
Consider the following:
On January 20, 1863, the London Times reported the words of an American preacher who in prayer had "blessed the name of God for having so humbled the nation that it was compelled as a military necessity to ask the aid of the negro." On July 4th of the same year, the Times described that year's American Independence Day as "this day of festivity, now converted into a day of humiliation." The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video merely
gives under "Point 22" a copy of Testimonies for the Church,
vol. 1, pp. 259, 260. This copy adequately documents the fact that the
quotation as it appears on the video isn't genuine (see #37),
and that the context of the quotation neutralizes the point being made by
the video (see #38). |
"Enoch and Golden Passes" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#41: "Mrs. White in a vision also claimed to have traveled complete with wings to various planets which were full of inhabitants. She reported meeting Enoch on a distant planet during one of her journeys. Other times she saw angels using golden gate passes to go in and out of heaven." (Narrator) Ellen White went in vision to other planets. So? What difference does this make? Does this make Ellen White a false prophet? Was John the Revelator a false prophet because he claimed that, in vision, he went to heaven and heard angels talking there (Rev. 4:1, 2; 5:11)? Was Ezekiel a false prophet because he claimed that in vision he was carried by a lock of his hair to another country (Ezek. 8:3)? Or was the apostle Paul a false prophet because he said he went to heaven, but whether he went there only in vision or actually with his body, he could not tell (2 Cor. 12:2-4, 7)? Or is the problem the fact that Ellen White said there were other inhabited worlds? Does such a claim make her a false prophet? The Bible says that Christ made the "worlds," plural, using the Greek word aion, a word that does not mean uninhabited planets (Heb. 1:2. Cf. 11:3). And Job says that the sons of God came for a special meeting. Satan got to be included because he claimed to be a representative from Earth, implying that the other participants in the meeting were also representatives from inhabited planets (1:6, 7; 2:1, 2). Though one might disagree with these interpretations of Scripture, the matter cannot be construed into a clear-cut case for declaring someone to be a false prophet. Under "Point 23" and "Point 24," the Documentation
Package offered at the end of the video shows four quotations from two
books proving that Ellen White saw these things in vision. However, no
evidence is offered to show why Ellen White seeing these things in vision
is unscriptural, as claimed a few moments later (see #44). |
"Racist Views" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Bad Picture |
#42 & #43: "Some of her so-called visions reflected her own racist views. For example, she believed that certain races of people [blacks are shown in the picture] were the result of sexual relations between man and animal, which she referred to as an amalgamation. 'Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.' Spiritual Gifts vol. 3 p. 75" (Ibid.) #42: Ellen White said that animals and people crossed sexually. She said no such thing. She never said that the amalgamation was through sexual relations. Scientists today routinely mix the genes of various species, even putting animal genes into plants through genetic engineering. Since the Bible portrays man becoming more degenerate over time instead of more advanced, why could not ancient man have had such technology? It is evolution, not the Bible, that says that man is smarter today than he was back then.Ellen White, to my knowledge, never said who performed the amalgamation after the flood, but elsewhere she does speak of Satan altering plants through some sort of process: "All tares are sown by the evil one. Every noxious herb is of his sowing, and by his ingenious methods of amalgamation he has corrupted the earth with tares" (Selected Messages 2:288) So it is possible that it was Satan doing the amalgamation instead of man. As F. D. Nichol pointed out in his book Ellen G. White and Her Critics, she did not specifically say "amalgamation of man with beast." Thus there is room for his idea of there being amalgamation of man with man and beast with beast. What does this mean? Many interpret Genesis 6:2, which speaks of the sons of God marrying the daughters of men, to mean the same as what Ellen White writes of in Review and Herald 8/23/1892: "Those who profess to be followers of Christ, should be living agencies, co-operating with heavenly intelligences; but by union with the world, the character of God's people becomes tarnished, and through amalgamation with the corrupt, the fine gold becomes dim." So amalgamation of man after the flood could possibly mean intermarriage of believers with unbelievers. Under "Point 25" the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video gives the identical quotation found on the video. It presents no evidence at all that Ellen White said the amalgamation occurred sexually. #43: As the picture illustrates, Ellen White, with "her own racist views," believed that amalgamation produced the black race. Regardless of what she meant by "amalgamation" (see above), whether genetic engineering or intermarriage with unbelievers, Ellen White never said what races of men she was talking about. She never said "amalgamation" produced the black race. Why didn't Jeremiah Films use a picture of whites or Asians instead? Is it because a picture of whites would not have been as inflammatory as a picture of blacks? Under "Point 25," the Documentation Package offered at
the end of the video gives no reasons at all why the picture shown should
be of blacks instead of Asians or whites, and offers no evidence to prove
that Ellen White thought amalgamation produced the black race. |
"Unbiblical Visions" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Begging the Question Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#44 & #45: "Despite the unbiblical nature of her visions, her followers continue to accept her as God’s messenger and her writings as inspired as the Bible." (Ibid.) #44: Ellen White's visions are unbiblical. The video is begging the question here. So far not one aspect of her visions has been proven to be unbiblical. Visited by angels? Transported to heaven? So were the Bible writers. One aspect of Ellen White's visions that the video does not mention at all is the physical phenomena that occurred during her visions. Consider what Daniel wrote regarding a physical phenomena that occurred during the last vision recorded in his book:
Daniel while in vision did not breathe. Likewise, Ellen White while in vision did not breathe. These visions would last from fifteen minutes to three hours, She was examined by physicians on several occasions while in vision, and their opinion was that she was not breathing. Consider these eyewitness accounts compiled by John Loughborough:
This aspect of her visions was very biblical. It should be pointed out that such physical phenomena do not prove that a prophet or a vision is from God. They merely prove the supernatural character of those visions. The Bible tests of a prophet must then be applied to determine whether the supernatural source of the visions is God or Satan. #45: Adventists claim her writings are as inspired as the Bible. The fallacy of using this straw man was pointed out in #23. Adventists do not believe in degrees of inspiration. An individual is either inspired or not inspired. But Adventists do believe in degrees of authority. The Bible is the ultimate authority, and all subsequent prophets are subordinate to it. Under "Point 26" the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video has an article from the December 23, 1982, issue of the Review to prove that Adventists believe Ellen White was as inspired as the Bible. But the article actually negates what the video is trying to prove. Consider carefully the article's ten affirmations and ten denials:
Pretty clear, isn't it? The contributors to the material in the video
really ought to read this part of the Documentation Package. It
would answer a lot of their questions. |
"Reinterpretation of Miller's Failed Prophecy" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#46 & #47: The investigative judgment doctrine that Seventh-day Adventists still cling to came from a reinterpretation of William Miller’s failed prophecy that Christ would come to the earth on October 22, 1844. (Dale Ratzlaff) #46: The investigative judgment doctrine is a reinterpretation. Not quite. The whole Millerite movement was predicting that the Day of Judgment would occur soon. It was felt that the Day of Judgment took place or began at the second coming. As early as 1822, William Miller let it be known that he believed that the second coming and the judgment would take place at the same time:
From his "Lecture 1" printed in 1842, he clearly predicted the beginning of the judgment to take place in 1843. Included also is a bit of his appeal to sinners to give their hearts to Jesus:
That the judgment must begin before the second coming is clear from Revelation 22:12 which says:
Since Jesus will have his rewards with Him when He comes, the judgment which determines what those rewards will be must have already taken place before He comes. So the investigative doctrine of Seventh-day Adventism came from a realization (not from a reinterpretation) that the judgment did begin after all on October 22 as predicted, but that the second coming was yet future. In Acts 17:31, Paul said:
Paul said that God had appointed a day. Before October 22, 1844, the end of the 2300-day prophecy of Daniel 8:14 was believed to pinpoint the day God had "appointed" for His judgment and the second coming. After October 22, the Millerites who became Seventh-day Adventists felt that the judgment had begun after all on the "appointed" day, but the second coming was yet future. #47: William Miller's failed prediction of October 22. As pointed out in #6, William Miller did not make the prediction, did not teach it, and did not accept it as the certain date when Christ would come, as far as the extant evidence indicates. But let's take a look at the whole question of the "failed prediction." Over and over again the video asks us to believe that the whole calculation of the 2300 days was in error. We have already looked at this question under #20, but let us look at it again. Miller and the Millerites merely drew conclusions based on the teachings of some of the greatest scholars of several centuries. The general dates he arrived at could not be faulted. Consider the comments of one of Miller's most learned opponents, Dr. George Bush of New York City University, from a letter to William Miller:
This opponent of Miller freely admits that the famous scholars mentioned all thought that the prophetic periods of the prophecies would end in Miller's day! What problem, then, did Dr. Bush see with Miller's interpretation? Why did he not become a Millerite if he thought Miller's calculations were correct?
Dr. Bush did not believe that Christ would literally come. He believed that the Scriptures that speak of Christ's coming should be taken symbolically, not literally. We cannot fault Miller for believing that Christ would personally come like the Bible says, instead of in a spiritual manner like Dr. Bush believed. Thus William Miller had a firm biblical footing for his teachings,
though they were not free from error. The date of October 22, 1844,
however, was correct. Or at least, no solid evidence to the contrary was
presented by his opponents either back then or now. |
"Shut Door of Mercy" | |||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible |
#48 & #49: "At first Adventists believed that the door of mercy was shut on that date." (Ibid.) #48: Adventists believed that the door of mercy was shut. It's not hard to see why Millerites and First-day Adventists "were for a short time united in the belief that the door of mercy was shut. This position was soon abandoned" (Spirit of Prophecy 4:271). When one understands what was happening in those days, this argument becomes a straw man. America has been called a Christian nation, yet we haven't acted very Christ-like at times. We used to own slaves. After we freed them, we had lynchings and cross burnings. Blacks couldn't eat in the same restaurants, use the same restrooms, or drink at the same water fountains. As the expected time for Christ to come approached and passed, a spirit seemed to take hold of those who did not believe in Miller's views. Reports include: meetings were broken up by mobs; stones, eggs, snowballs, and spikes were thrown at the speakers at meetings; some believers were publicly whipped; and a minister with a mob attempted to tar and feather a lecturer. Albert Barnes, the noted Presbyterian author of Barne's Commentary, told of the spiritual declension of those times:
The spiritual condition of the nation as a whole and the churches in particular had reached a low ebb. Consider also the words of Charles Finney and an unknown author:
Where does the term "shut door" come from? It comes from coupling Matthew 25:1-13 and Luke 13:25 with the time prophecies of Daniel 8 and 9:
At some point, as the parable shows, the bridegroom who is Christ will come, and the door to the wedding feast will be shut. Then the five foolish virgins will try to get in and will not be able to. Since the Millerites had all been teaching that Christ would come and that probation would then close (i.e. the door of mercy would be shut), it was only natural for them to think that the door of mercy had indeed closed on October 22. Especially would they have thought this way given the fact that they were continually being harassed by mobs, as already mentioned. No more sinners wanted to hear their preaching, so why should they think they still had a mission to preach to sinners? #49: Adventists believed that the door of mercy was shut. Raising this objection is actually an inadvertent attack on the New Testament. Those who have read through the book of Acts will remember that the early church was of the opinion that no Gentile could be saved. Before the door of mercy could be opened for a Gentile, that Gentile had to become a Jew. To convince them otherwise, God sent Peter a vision which is recorded in Acts 10. The vision corrected Peter's misunderstanding that the door of mercy was shut to the Gentiles, and he went and preached to Cornelius, the Roman centurion. When he got back to Jerusalem, the elders met with him to reprimand him. He recounted the vision and his experience at Cornelius's house, after which the record says:
It was a vision that corrected Peter and the apostolic church's false idea that the door of mercy was shut for Gentiles. To be consistent, if we must automatically reject Ellen White and First-day Adventism for their misunderstanding, we must reject the apostles and Christianity as well, for they made the same error. Besides Peter and the apostles believing such, many Christians believe something similar today. Calvinists teach that everyone is already predestinated to be saved or lost, and there really isn't anything anyone can do about it. The door of mercy for the strict Calvinist is shut to all those who have been predestinated to damnation. I don't agree with such a teaching, but I'm not going to call all the
Calvinist churches cults because they teach this. |
"Ellen White Supported It" | |||||||
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#50: "Ellen G. White with prophetic authority supported both this date and the shut door belief." (Ibid.) Ellen White with prophetic authority supported the shut-door-of-mercy doctrine. While Ellen White did support the date of October 22, she never had a vision supporting the shut-door-of-mercy belief:
From this quotation it appears that Ellen White believed in no more mercy for sinners for a period of time between October 1844 and February 1845. As pointed out under #49, it was a vision that corrected the apostolic church and Peter's false idea that the door of mercy was shut for Gentiles. Likewise, it was a vision that corrected the false understanding of the First-day Adventists who later became Seventh-day Adventists. One difference though: Ellen White was mistaken for a few months. Peter and the apostles, it would appear, were mistaken for a few years. The apostles were mistaken for a longer period of time than Ellen White. As pointed out in #49, if we must automatically reject Ellen White and First-day Adventism because of their mistaken view on this subject, then to be consistent we should reject Peter and Christianity as well. Under "Point 27" in the Documentation Package offered
at the end of the video, the quotation under #51 is
given, but neither in it nor in its full context does Ellen White once
mention a "door of mercy," whether open or shut. No proof is
given that Ellen White ever had a vision endorsing the idea that there was
no more mercy for sinners. |
"Her First Vision Taught It" | |||||||
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#51: "Her first vision contained a fearful judgment on Adventists who had given up the 1844 message called the midnight cry. She said they had fallen off the path to heaven. 'It was just as impossible for them to get on the path again and go to the city as all the wicked world which God had rejected...' The Day-Star January 24, 1846." (Ibid.) Ellen White's first vision taught the shut-door-of-mercy doctrine. This is not true. The first published account of her vision in The Day-Star is taken from a letter written by Ellen White to Eli Curtis, the editor of that journal. The last sentence of her letter says, "This was not written for publication; but for the encouragement of all who may see it, and be encouraged by it." We may therefore expect that the wording is not perfect. Ellen White testified:
Therefore, her first vision was not teaching that there was no more mercy for sinners. The statement in question is only dealing with those who had rejected light, not those who had never yet received the light. Quite the contrary, her first vision taught that there was more mercy for sinners. In that vision she saw "the living saints, 144,000 in number" who were alive at the second coming. She mentions the 144,000 a total of six times. However, there were only 50,000 Millerites in 1844, and her vision pictured many of these falling off the path. Obviously, since there would have to be a lot of evangelism to get the number up to a literal 144,000, the door of mercy could not be shut. However, like the Jewish leaders of Jesus's day who had rejected light
and hardened their hearts to the point that they could no longer be
reached with the gospel, those who had rejected light to that point in
1844 likewise could no longer be reached. |
"The Missing Words in the Reprint" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Bad Quote |
#52: "Years later, when her first vision was reprinted, even though the preface stated that no changes were made in idea or sentiment, the portion of her vision which taught the shut door to salvation was just left out. [Picture of the 7/21/1851 issue of Review and Herald shown.]" (Ibid.) Preface said there was no change. The entire preface to the reprinted vision can be read, and one will fail to find any such statement saying that there are no changes in word or sentiment. Instead, one will read, "Here I will give the view that was first published in 1846. In this view I saw only a very few of the events of the future. More recent views have been more full. I shall therefore leave out a portion and prevent repetition." I leave it with the reader to determine whether a statement in the preface saying that a portion was left out should be used to prove that the preface stated that there were no changes in idea or sentiment. Under "Point 28" in the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video, the only substantiation for this charge is a secondary source which quotes in part from the 7/21/1851 issue of Review and Herald: ". . . 'more recent views have been more full. I shall therefore leave out a portion and prevent repetition.'" On January 4, 2000, Dale Ratzlaff, the speaker of this portion of the video, emailed me a few answers to my questions regarding parts of the video. He said:
Would Mr. Ratzlaff have left out his own referral to a statement that does not exist? The vision in question was first published in the January 24, 1846 issue of Day-Star. Then it was printed in a broadside on April 6 of that year. Then it was printed in A Word to the Little Flock which came out in May 1847. All these printings included the statement later left out. The next printing, in which the statement in question was first left out, was not done by James and Ellen White but by Eli Curtis in his Girdle of Truth, and Advent Review, Extra, of Jan. 20, 1848. Eli Curtis at times printed Ellen White's visions without her consent (Present Truth and Advent Review 5/1/1850, p. 80). He apparently altered this vision when he printed it. It is possible that when the time came in 1851 to reprint Ellen White's
first vision, that the only copy the Whites had available was Eli
Curtis's. If this were so, they would not necessarily have noticed that
the statement in question was left out. That this possibility exists can
readily be seen from the fact that in 1883, Ellen White did not have
copies of her earliest visions, and asked others to send them to her so she
could make a copy of them (Selected Messages 1:60). The Whites in
the early days did not always keep copies of what they had written or
records of what they had done. Ellen White did not have a copy of A
Word to the Little Flock in 1882 (Ibid.). |
"The Other Shut Door Passages" | |||||||
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#53 & #54: "After 1851 the other shut door passages were either dropped or reinterpreted." (Ibid.) #53: Other passages dropped. There are no other passages. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video does not mention any other alleged shut-door passages in Ellen White's writings. #54: Other passages reinterpreted after 1851. Besides the fact that there are no other alleged shut door passages in Mrs. White's writings, it should be pointed out that the "reinterpretations" referred to surfaced long before 1851. The idea of passages being "reinterpreted" refers to the fact that the term "shut door" can mean one of several things:
The context may or may not tell us which of the several meanings was intended by the writer. Further explanations of these four usages follow, taken in part from P. Gerard Damsteegt's Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, pp. 106ff.
The strong possibility also exists that a Millerite's use of the term "shut door" might refer to the validity of the date October 22, 1844, without necessarily knowing for sure what sort of door was shut. In other words, some Millerites undoubtedly had a conviction that something was shut on that date, but were not sure what was shut. It is a fact that not believing in a shut door of some sort was seen at the time as being a repudiation of the idea that October 22, 1844, was a fulfillment of prophecy in any sense. Therefore, belief in a shut door was synonymous with belief in the 2300 days ending in 1844, but not necessarily synonymous with a shut door of mercy. Any mention of a shut door by a Millerite must be examined closely to
see which definition of the term is the most appropriate. If the context
does not indicate which meaning is intended, it may not be possible to
know for sure what the speaker or writer meant. |
"Didn't Admit Their Error" | |||||||
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#55: "An explanation for the 1844 disappointment had to be found. Two Millerites, Hiram Edson and Mr. Crosier, introduced a new sanctuary theology which taught that instead of Christ coming visibly to earth in 1844, he entered for the first time the Most Holy Place in heaven. This new teaching gave them a way out of their dilemma without actually admitting their error." (Ibid.) They never admitted their error. This is not true. They did admit their error. Daniel 8:14 said that at the end of the 2300 days the sanctuary would be cleansed. The Millerites taught that on October 22, 1844, Christ would return. Something obviously went wrong. There were primarily two possible alternatives: 1) Admit that there was an error in the predicted date of the event of Christ's return. 2) Admit that there was an error in the predicted event for the date of 1844. Edson and Crosier chose alternative number 2. They freely admitted their error in thinking that the predicted cleansing of the sanctuary was the second coming. That alternative number 1, admitting that the date was wrong, was not really plausible, please see
#20 and #47. |
"Ellen White's Immediate Endorsement" | |||||||
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#56: "Ellen G. White immediately put God’s endorsement on this new explanation for the date October 22nd, 1844. 'The Lord shew me in vision more than one year ago that Brother Crosier had the true light of the cleansing of the sanctuary.' A Word to the Little Flock p. 12." (Ibid.) Ellen White immediately put God's endorsement on their explanation. Actually, Ellen White put God's endorsement on Edson and Crosier's explanation before she heard that they had found an explanation, and even before they had had time to publish it. Edson and Crosier's findings were printed in the 2/7/1846 issue of the Day-Star Extra, published in Cincinnati. Their findings may have also appeared in an issue of the Canandaigua, New York, Day Dawn around March of 1845, though we cannot be certain about this. However, in February of 1845, Ellen White had a vision, the same one referred to under #50. This was at Exeter, Maine, during her first journey east:
There was no way she could have heard of Edson and Crosier's study at the time she had the vision. Typically someone else found a doctrine in the Bible, and then her
visions endorsed it. In this case her visions endorsed the doctrine before
she heard of it. |
"Adjusted Doctrines, Shut Door, and Soul Sleep" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Oversimplif. Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#57: "All doctrines were soon adjusted to fit 1844 as the cleansing of the sanctuary and the beginning of the investigative judgment." (Ibid.) [#58:] The shut door had to be opened to allow salvation for their own children who had been born after 1844 and to evangelize others into Adventism. [#59:] Salvation for everyone, even those who lived in Bible times, had to be conditional on this judgment, and so soul sleep was introduced. [#60:] The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation had to be reinterpreted to fit the investigative judgment. [#61:] It was a time of turmoil and doctrinal reversal, but the investigative judgment doctrine survived with Ellen White's stamp of approval." (Ibid.) #57: All doctrines were soon adjusted. I can't figure out what doctrines are supposed to have been adjusted. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video doesn't explain this statement or list any "adjusted" doctrines. What follows in Mr. Ratzlaff's list doesn't include any doctrines "adjusted" to fit 1844. #58: Shut door of mercy had to be opened. We've already dealt with this under #48-#49, #50, #51, #52, and #53-#54. I'll repeat one point here and add another. Peter and the apostles thought the door of mercy was shut to the Gentiles. They were corrected by a vision from God. Likewise, those of the Millerites who thought the door of mercy was shut were corrected, if they wanted to be, by a vision. What made it so obvious to at least some of the apostolic Christians that they were mistaken was the fact that a door to reach the Gentiles suddenly did open. All of a sudden, after Stephen's stoning in Acts 7, they could preach to Samaritans, Ethiopian eunuchs, and Roman centurions, something they had not been able to do before. A "door" was "opened":
A similar thing happened among some of the Adventists. Ellen White's vision of February 1845 corrected, if they allowed it to, their theological misunderstanding. The sanctuary doctrine provided a theological understanding of what door was opened and what door was shut in 1844, as noted under point 4 under #54. But the "door of access" still was not open, even though the "door of mercy" was (see #54 regarding the difference between these terms). At first the vast majority of non-Millerites, like the Gentiles, had no interest in hearing Adventists preach. The door indeed was shut. But at some point, like in the early church, a change came. The door was opened, and people wanted to listen. Such an opening of the door would not be an adjustment because of the cleansing of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment, but rather the result of the providence of God and the workings of His Spirit. Ellen White's vision of February 1845 caused, for those who held such a view, the "adjustment" of the doctrine of a shut door of mercy for sinners. The later opening of the shut door of access was not an "adjustment" of a doctrine, but rather a change of the climate for evangelism. #59: Soul sleep introduced because of the investigative judgment. This is not true, and the context of the statement found in the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video proves it. Under "Point 33" is a selection from Life Sketches describing Ellen White's hearing of a sermon on soul sleep some months after a conversation between Ellen White and her mother on the same subject. Both the conversation and the sermon took place before the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, as the context clearly shows. Yet the doctrine of the investigative judgment, as understood today, did not come along until after October 22. Thus soul sleep was not introduced because of the investigative judgment, but rather the introduction of soul sleep preceded the doctrine of the investigative judgment. The phrase "investigative judgment" was coined by Elon Everts in a letter dated December 1856. This letter appeared in the January 1, 1857, issue of Advent Review. It was at this time that the doctrine of the investigative judgment was crystallized, though hints of some of its fundamental concepts had surfaced previously. (See Ellen G. White: The Early Years 353, 354.) Prominent Millerite Josiah Litch had suggested as early as 1840 that there had to be a trial phase of judgment before an executive phase. Occasionally Sabbatarian Adventists would refer to Christ's wearing the "breastplate of judgment" on the Day of Atonement or to judgment beginning at the end of the 2300 years, but at other times they would declare that the Day of Judgment could not begin before the second advent. (See chapter 24 of The Sanctuary and the Atonement - Biblical, Historical, and Theological Studies). Not until 1857 was a solid understanding of the subject arrived at by Sabbatarian Adventists. So while soul sleep was introduced before October 22, 1844, the doctrine of the investigative judgment was not crystallized and fully formulated until over twelve years after October 22, 1844. Who introduced the concept of soul sleep, or as it is also called, conditional immortality, among the pre-1844 Millerites? A preacher named George Storrs, of Methodist persuasion, was first convicted on the subject of conditional immortality in 1837 after reading a tract by Deacon Henry Grew of Philadelphia. (Grew had arrived at his conclusions while serving as a Baptist preacher.) Storrs wrote his own tract in 1841, and then published six sermons on the subject in 1842. Copies of his six sermons eventually amounted to 200,000, even reaching England. Just after their publication he heard of Miller's teachings and became a Millerite preacher himself. He preached to thousands in New York, Indiana, and Ohio. A number of Millerite ministers joined with him in his belief on conditional immortality. Miller, Josiah Litch, I. E. Jones, and the Signs of the Times all came out against his views on conditional immortality, so his views were anything but unanimously held. But the point is that the idea of conditional immortality was definitely introduced before a consensus was reached among Sabbatarian Adventists regarding the investigative judgment. We mentioned before that Joseph Bates, James White, and Ellen White are viewed as being founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Both Joseph Bates and James White were members of the Christian Connection. Since conditional immortality was a popular doctrine among many in the Christian Connection, Joseph Bates and James White may have believed that immortality was conditional even before Storrs introduced the subject among Millerites. The reason why it is called conditional immortality is because the Bible says:
Only upon condition that we accept Jesus as our Savior do we receive immortality. #60: Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation reinterpreted to fit the investigative judgment. This accusation doesn't even make sense to me. Once these two doctrines were arrived at, what prophecies would need to be reinterpreted to fit them? The basic interpretations of Daniel and Revelation were already worked out before October 22, 1844, which was before Edson and Crosier published their study on the cleansing of the sanctuary in 1845 or 1846, and definitely before Elon Everts helped crystallize the subject of an investigative judgment in 1857. The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video lists this as "Point 34." Under "Point 34" are two pages out of Great Controversy, but nothing on these two pages refers to a reinterpretation of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation to fit the investigative judgment. #61: It was a time of turmoil and doctrinal reversal. What doctrines were reversed? The shut door? But Adventists were definitely actively preaching to non-Millerites long before 1857, the "door of access" having opened a number of years earlier. A change in the time to keep the Sabbath (see #164, #165-#167, #168-#169, and #170-#174)? Changing by minutes or an hour when to commence the Sabbath wouldn't constitute a doctrinal reversal. To substantiate the charge that that time period was characterized by
"doctrinal reversal," one would expect the Documentation
Package offered at the end of the video to list a number of reversed
doctrines. Yet it doesn't deal with this point at all. Hence we must
conclude that this charge likewise is just not true. |
"Harsh Teaching and Leisure Time" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#62 & #63: "The terms of this new investigative judgment doctrine, or sanctuary doctrine as it came to be known, were harsh. It taught that a recording angel now kept track of every move, even to the extent of recording wasted moments, where one might want some leisure time. 'Every man's work passes in review before God and is registered for faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Opposite each name in the books of Heaven is entered with terrible exactness every wrong word, every selfish act, every unfulfilled duty, and every secret sin, with every artful dissembling. Heaven-sent warnings or reproofs, neglected, wasted moments, unimproved opportunities, the influence exerted for good or evil, with its far reaching results; all are chronicled by the recording angel.' Great Controversy 482." (Ibid.) #62: Idea of angel recording everything is harsh. In essence, this statement is asserting that the Bible is harsh for teaching that an angel records everything, and that Christ is harsh for teaching that we will be judged by everything we have ever spoken. That there are books of record in heaven is clearly taught by the following verses:
That these books of record used in the judgment must contain everything we have ever done can be seen from the fact that we will be judged by everything we have ever done:
Jesus took it one step further by declaring that we would be judged by everything we have ever said as well. So every word we have ever said must be recorded as well:
So, according to the Bible, the fact that the video declares that this basic Bible teaching is harsh has been recorded in the books of record in heaven. According to Jesus, the makers of this video will have to "give account thereof in the day of judgment" for this very statement. #63: Wasted moments and leisure time. There is a typographical error in the above quotation that makes it less understandable. The video mistakenly added a comma. "Heaven-sent warnings or reproofs, neglected. . . ." should be "Heaven-sent warnings or reproofs neglected. . . ." As far as wasted moments and leisure time go, technically, the question is how we should spend our leisure time, not whether or not we should have any. Ellen White was not against people having leisure time. That this must be the case is clear from the following statement written by Ellen White in 1867:
Consistently, she advocated using one's leisure time in activities that were beneficial and useful:
Who would argue with this? Notice her concern for children:
And her concern for ministers:
While Ellen White was all for people having leisure time, she was against wasting time. Yet she was not the first Christian leader to call upon believers not to waste time, even moments of time. Consider this selection from Charles Spurgeon, who called wasting time a sin:
And the revivalist Charles Finney called upon the members of the church to use their leisure time in soul winning:
Would not the world be a better place if every Christian utilized their
leisure time in such a way, or in helping the poor, teaching their
children Bible truths, meditating upon the Word of God, etc.? However, the
time many professed Christians spend in certain activities of pleasure is
worse than wasted. |
"Investigative Judgment Is Unique and Unbiblical" | |||||||
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#64: The doctrine of investigative judgment is unique to Seventh-day Adventists. Since this point is debatable, I'll call it an oversimplification instead of an inaccuracy. Actually, most of the basic elements of the doctrine of the investigative judgment have been taught by various people who were not Seventh-day Adventists or even Millerites:
I am indebted to Leroy Edwin Froom's four-volume Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers for the above information. #65: The doctrine of the investigative judgment cannot be supported by the Scriptures. This is not true. Below are two of the thirty-two points found in a paper on this subject that I wrote around 1995. If you want to read the entire paper, click here.
The first point above is that God always investigates before passing judgment. This is illustrated by the fact that he investigated the situation and sins of Adam, Cain, Babel, and Sodom before handing down the punishment. The second point is that Christ's parable foretold an investigation of believers before His wedding at the end of time. Again, if you want to read all 32 points, supported
by 128 different Bible verses, click here. |
"No Legitimate Christian Denomination" | |||||||
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#66, #67, & #68: "This central Adventist doctrine, which states that the judgment of believers' works will determine their salvation, is blatantly unbiblical, and is not taught by any legitimate Christian denomination." (Narrator) #66: This investigative judgment doctrine states that a believer's works determines their salvation. Technically, using the way evangelicals popularly use the term "saved," this is not true. A lot depends on how we define the term "salvation." The plan of redemption includes a number of aspects:
Each of these three is a miracle of divine grace and is based on the finished work of Christ on Calvary's cross and not on our own works. Each is likewise made possible today through the intercession of Christ. Some today use the word "salvation" to mean justification. Some use it to mean both justification and sanctification. Some use it to mean all three: justification, sanctification, and glorification. Later on, the video explicitly uses the term "saved" to mean only justification (see #143). But that cannot be the meaning here, for this statement mentions "believers' works." If they are already believers, then they must be already justified and converted, as well as daily growing in grace. So the video itself is using more than one definition of the word "saved," and the viewer should take note of this fact. A major problem is that most evangelicals who hear the above statement from the video will think of justification when the video is really referring to glorification. Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that works determine justification or conversion for the simple reason that individuals cannot perform good works (in the New Testament sense) until they are justified and converted. Until that point, all works are tainted by selfishness and are essentially "works of the flesh." We do, however, believe that justification and conversion occur on condition of repentance and confession, as I would think nearly every Christian denomination does. Repentance and confession do not buy justification and conversion, but they are conditions for receiving this free gift of God. Seventh-day Adventists also believe that glorification, and the retaining throughout eternity both of justification and the results of sanctification, are conditional. The investigative judgment determines who has complied with the conditions and who has not. What those conditions are is dealt with in the next point. Many evangelicals will disagree with this, since many believe that justification cannot be lost. We respect those who disagree, and we hope they will likewise respect us, for our belief is a belief held by many denominations and is based on a number of Scriptures. These Scriptures, with a few comments, appear immediately below:
The above texts indicate that in order to have our names written in the Book of Life, a book which Revelation talks about, we must accept Christ. The only question left is whether once our names are registered in the book of life, they can be blotted out.
So it is possible to have one's name blotted out of the book of life. And those whose names do not appear there will be cast into the lake of fire:
It is apparent, then, that an individual can be justified and converted, and then later turn away from God and be lost. #67: This is blatantly unbiblical. Not so. The Bible clearly says that obedience and holiness are conditions for the retention of justification and the reception of glorification:
Lastly, from the same book in which Paul is so adamant that we cannot work our way to heaven:
Clearly, while we cannot work our way heaven, and we are not saved by works, glorification and the retention of justification are conditional upon obedience and holiness. #68: The investigative judgment is not taught by any legitimate Christian denomination. Obviously, this begs the question. If the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian denomination, then this statement is not true. In order to be a true statement, one must assume the very point attempting to be proven. Besides, according to Dan Snyder under #232, he was a Christian for 28 years before leaving the Adventist Church. Therefore, according to the video itself, the Seventh-day Adventist Church must be a Christian denomination. The narrator should take careful note of Mr. Snyder's statement:
"Forgotten Sins, 4th Commandment, Gospel of Grace" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Attack on Bible |
#69, #70, #71, #72, & #73: "This doctrine teaches at some point in time between 1844 and the second coming of Christ, every believer's name will come up in judgment. At that point in time, if one has any unconfessed sins, even forgotten sins, or if one does not demonstrate perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments, especially the fourth, he will be lost. This teaching is diametrically opposed to the New Testament gospel of grace." (Dale Ratzlaff) #69: Believers will be lost if they have unconfessed sins.
How can an individual be forgiven if he has not confessed his sins? How can an individual be taken to heaven who has not confessed his sins, and has therefore not been forgiven? Does not the idea that people can be saved without confessing their sins strike at the very heart of the New Testament gospel of grace? #70: Even forgotten sins. One will fail to find the phrase "forgotten sins" either in Mrs. White's published and released writings or on the Words of the Pioneers CD-ROM (except for one reference to Catholic theology). The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video lists this point as "Point 37." Under "Point 37" is only a single paragraph from volume 4 of Spirit of Prophecy which contains the phrase "forgetfulness of the Saviour's claims," a far cry from "forgotten sins." In my opinion, this Documentation Package is pretty pathetic. If there are forgotten sins that the sincere believer needs to confess, surely God will bring these sins back to the believer's remembrance. But again, neither Ellen White nor the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church ever said that sincere believers who had never confessed forgotten sins would be lost. #71: Perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments. That the Ten Commandments are the standard in the judgment is clear:
The word "perfect" is a bit scary because of its present-day connotations. One might use the word "complete" in its place. If the word "perfect" bothers you, just ask yourself which commandment you plan to break. Are you going to hate or kill today? Are you going to covet or steal? Are you going to lust or run around on your spouse? (If you think the last one is alright to do, ask your spouse what he/she thinks.) Which commandment do you plan on not "completely" keeping, on breaking just a little bit? When people say that we cannot keep the Commandments even if God helps us, they are dishonoring the Lord and calling the Bible a lie:
Under "Point 38" in the Documentation Package, the substantiation for this charge is a single paragraph from an October 26, 1897, issue of the Advent Review. Of the 193 words of this paragraph, 112 words are direct quotes from New Testament Bible verses! #72: Especially the fourth. This is not true. Notice two points from James:
Clearly, while breaking one commandment is like breaking them all, if we do not know what God has said about the Sabbath, we are not held accountable for it. This is what Seventh-day Adventists consistently teach. Other Scriptures on this include:
And Ellen White herself testified:
Many believers in ages past did not know of the claims of the fourth commandment. Both Seventh-day Adventists and the Bible teach that they will not be held accountable for their violations of this commandment. In fact, it is not hard to imagine that most believers who will be vindicated in the judgment will be believers who knew nothing about the claims of the fourth commandment. #73: This teaching is diametrically opposed to the gospel of grace. The reader may judge for himself from the points under this section, as well as the Scriptures given under #67, whether this statement is true or not. Let us remember what the gospel of grace and the New Covenant really are:
The gospel of grace is a beautiful message about the power of God which can both forgive sin and transform the life. As Jesus said, "Sin no more" (Jn. 5:14; 8:11). Simply put, this means, "Break the commandments no more." To say that a person may continue to knowingly practice sin and still go to heaven, or to
say that a person may still go to heaven even though he has never had the
law written in his heart and mind, this is what is diametrically opposed
to the gospel of grace. |
"Man-Made Religion and The Clear Word" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Begging the Question Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Factual Error |
#74, #75, #76, & #77: "In all man-made religions the authority of God's Scripture and unchanging word is challenged. The Seventh-day Adventists are no exception. They have their own version of the Bible, known as The Clear Word Bible, which inserts the words and ideas of Ellen G. White directly into the biblical text." (Narrator) #74: Seventh-day Adventism is a man-made religion. This is another point that begs the question, that assumes what is supposed to be proven. It also shows that the narrator does not understand our history very well, for a knowledge of the providences that brought us into existence would make it hard to call us "man made." #75: Seventh-day Adventists have their own version of the Bible. Not so. Jack Blanco's paraphrase is not in any sense an official Seventh-day Adventist version. As the Documentation Package under "Point 49a" proves, The Clear Word's copyright is held by Jack Blanco, not by the denomination or one of its presses. "Blanco" appears on the spine. No other entity is listed on the spine as the publisher, since Blanco is both the author and the publisher. Thus while it can truly be said that Jack Blanco has his own paraphrase, it cannot be truly said that Seventh-day Adventism has its own version. I have never heard of an Adventist preacher using it in the pulpit. Some probably have, but I have yet to hear of it. I do not own a copy and have no present intention to get one. Under "Point 39" in the Documentation Package are two pages of the three-page preface to The Clear Word, but the first page is missing. The first page of the preface begins with these two sentences:
The second edition reads almost the same:
The Clear Word is crystal clear. Why didn't the contributors to the video read the very first sentences of the preface? Or did they? #76: It's known as The Clear Word Bible. Not any more. Quite a few quickly realized that something like this might come up one day, so the second edition carries only the title, The Clear Word. Did the contributors to the video know about the second edition? The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video shows a photocopy of the cover of the second edition under "Point 49a". Also, Mr. Ratzlaff quotes from the cover of the second edition when he later calls Dr. Blanco's paraphrase "An Expanded Paraphrase to Nurture Faith and Growth." The video's footage shows a picture of the first edition. On its cover can be seen, "A Paraphrase to Nurture Faith and Growth." While Mr. Ratzlaff is holding the copy of the first edition, he quotes from the cover of the second edition by calling it "An Expanded Paraphrase. . . ." #77: Words and ideas of Ellen White inserted into the biblical text. Actually, it's the words and ideas of theologian and college professor Jack Blanco, not Ellen White. Anyone comparing Jack Blanco's paraphrase with the writings of Ellen White can clearly see that Blanco is inserting his own words, not Ellen White's words. Under "Point 39," the Documentation Package offered at the end of the video shows pages viii and ix of the preface to The Clear Word. On these two pages, Dr. Blanco uses the word "paraphrase" six times. Twice he says that he interpreted and once that he "inserted information." Not once does he refer to Ellen White. Is interpreting and inserting information sinister? Not at all. That's what paraphrases are all about, for they are not true to the biblical text. The paraphraser weaves in his understanding into the passage. Dr. Blanco did this as a devotional exercise. The end result appeared worthy of publishing, and so it was. When some raised
concerns that objections like what are on the video might be raised, Dr.
Blanco changed the
subtitle from "paraphrase" to "expanded
paraphrase," as Mr. Ratzlaff admits (see #81).
Since Dr. Blanco's paraphrase is more than just the average paraphrase, it
is clearly identified as an "expanded paraphrase." One might
call it a running commentary rather than a simple paraphrase. |
"Daniel 9 in The Clear Word" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man |
#78: "For example in the ninth chapter of the book of Daniel 9, 300 words have been added to the Holy Scriptures." (Ibid.) 300 words added. Mr. Ratzlaff said it was an "expanded paraphrase" (see #81), so the addition of 300 words is understandable in this paraphrase that Dr. Blanco did for his daily devotions. If the reader will peruse Daniel 9 in The Clear Word, he will see that Dr. Blanco's additions are not the words of Ellen White. He will also see that the additions are in harmony with the method of interpreting Daniel 8 and 9 that has been popular for centuries (see #64). The Documentation Package offered at the end of the video lists this as "Point 40 & 40a." Under these points is a research paper by a minister. The first page quotes Great Controversy p. 446 where it says that "The second commandment forbidding image worship has been dropped from the law. . ." by the Catholic Church. Then it goes on to say how this is wrong because the Catholic Church claims that it hasn't changed the second commandment, and that the so-called second commandment is really part of the first. But the very next sentences in Great Controversy after the one quoted say:
So the author of the research paper says a sentence in Great Controversy is wrong, and to prove it he gives points that the very next sentences in Great Controversy acknowledge to be so! Have these folk ever heard of honesty? But back to the original point: There is nothing sinister about an
addition of 300 words to an admitted expanded paraphrase of a
27-verse Bible chapter. |
"Daniel 8:14 in The Clear Word" | |||||||
to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Straw Man Back to T.O.C. To Topical Index Next Inaccuracy |
#79 & #80: "A blatant example of this type of alteration can be seen in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 which in the King James Version simply reads, 'Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed.' However in the Adventist Clear Word Version 'After two thousand, three hundred prophetic days (or two thousand, three hundred years), God will step in, proclaim the truth about Himself, and restore the ministry of the Sanctuary in heaven to its rightful place. This is when the judgment will begin, of which the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary was a type. Daniel 8:14 The Clear Word Version." (Ibid.) #79: Alterations in Daniel 8:14. Again, as can be seen from #64, Jack Blanco's paraphrase is in harmony with the views of many prominent expositors of many denominations. The fact that so many today do not know what their spiritual forefathers taught on prophecy, so that these views sound totally new, is no fault of Dr. Blanco. Again, this is an expanded paraphrase, not a translation, and is clearly identified as such. As already stated under #75, the first page of the preface begins with these two sentences:
The second edition adds but one word:
#80: The Adventist Clear Word Version. The makers of the video seem to have taken it upon themselves to change the title of Dr. Blanco's paraphrase from The Clear Word to The Clear Word Version. Can the makers of the video produce any advertising for this paraphrase, or any documentation whatsoever, which shows that the title is not The Clear Word, but rather, The Clear Word Version? To be sure, by calling Jack Blanco's paraphrase The Clear Word
Version, a better case against Seventh-day Adventists can be made. But
it simply is not true. It isn't an Adventist version, and it is never
called The Clear Word Version, except by critics and those who
don't know better. | ||||||