A Response to the Video:
Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church
by Bob Pickle
Answers to Questions Raised by:
Mark Martin, Sydney Cleveland
Dale Ratzlaff, The White Lie
. . . and Others
Discern Fact from Fiction
Jehovah's Witnesses, Cont.; Plagiarism
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#102: "Her major books, including
Patriarchs and
Prophets, The Desire of
Ages, The Spirit of
The Great Controversy, Selected
Messages, The Acts of the
Apostles, Christ's Object
Lessons, Counsels on
Evangelism, Fundamentals of Christian
Education, Gospel Workers,
Messages to Young
the Ministry of Healing, My Life
Today, Prophets and Kings,
Sons and Daughters of God,
Steps to Christ,
Testimonies to the Church,
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, and
others contain plagiarized material
stolen from earlier writers."—Narrator. |
#102: All these books contain "stolen"
material. A major problem is the use of the word "stolen." In order for Mrs.
White to have
"stolen" words and thoughts from another writer, those words and thoughts had to legally
belong to them and not to her. You can't steal what
you already own.
Until 1909, portions of the words and thoughts of other writers, along with the general
flow of topics in a manuscript, were in the public
domain. They did not belong solely to the writer, and so could not be "stolen" from him or
her. While the entire work belonged to the writer,
some wording and thoughts could be used by another without "stealing."
Perusal of The White Lie indicates that what Mrs. White did at
times, in the borrowing of some words and thoughts from other writers (like
the Bible writers did), was to make a "derivative work." A derivative work is not one that
has been copied verbatim. It is a work that is based
on and derived from another work. [p. 75]
From the previous section it is clear that either Jude
or Peter made a derivative work based on the other's epistle. Either Jude or Peter took
thoughts from the other and utilized them in writing his own work. That's a derivative work,
not a plagiarized work.
Making a derivative work without permission from the original author became illegal
in 1909. Interestingly, as The White Lie points out
on page 49, 1909 was the very year that Mrs. White requested that credit to the historians
quoted from in Great Controversy be added in the
next edition. This suggests that when it first became possible to steal
material in this manner, Mrs. White took the needed precautions to prevent
such occurrences.
Though the term "proper credit" took on a new definition that year, 1909 wasn't the
first time she expressed concern about such issues. This
is indicated by her comments in the April 14 issue of Review and Herald,
comments regarding "proper credit" that was given to a particular
author. Oh, the year? 1868.
Rest assured that whatever "proper credit" meant at the time, Mrs. White endeavored
to make sure it was given. It's just that society didn't
consider any sort of credit necessary when making a derivative work.
The list of books that the narrator gave, with two exceptions, comes from pages
173-175 of The White Lie, photocopies of which appear
under "Point 54a" and "Point 54b" in the documentation package. These
photocopies also give a list of "plagiarized" sources. At the top
of the list on page 175 is this entry:
Nichols, Francis Davis, Ed.
The S.D.A. Bible Commentary
Washington, D.C., Review & Herald
Pub., 7 vol., 1953-1957
So according to The White Lie, Mrs. White even borrowed from
books published 38-42 years after her death? Must be a typo, but that's
what it says.
If The White Lie had been written to provide answers rather than to
raise doubts, some of its content would be radically different. Take for
example this statement on page 147:
Please observe that the artists' signatures on the drawings have been altered. In some
cases, Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal., has been inserted
in place of the artist's signature; in others, the signatures have either been obliterated or cut
off, and Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. added below.
Then follows five examples of artwork appearing in the 1886 printing of volume 4 of
Spirit of Prophecy, artwork that was taken from
Wylie's History of Protestantism.
In the last of the five examples of artwork, "Swain SC" is substituted with "Pacific
Press, Oakland, Cal." "SC" is an abbreviation for the Latin
word sculpsit, a word meaning "he engraved it." Since Pacific Press had to
re-engrave the picture before they could print it, Swain was no
longer the engraver, and they had every right to replace his name with theirs.
Now let's examine some of the other pictures in light of this discovery. In both the
second and fourth examples of the five, the artist's initials
in the lower right-hand corner are retained in Pacific Press's copy. Only the engraver's
signature in the lower left of both pictures was replaced.
No credit being given?
Whether Mr. Rea discovered these "stolen" pictures on his own, or whether he
borrowed the idea from a 1930's issue of E. S. Ballenger's
The Gathering Call, his book does not say. But it is a simple fact that the
White Estate produced documents to answer such charges in the
1930's, proving that the right to use the artwork had been paid for.
Cassell and Company, who owned the rights to the illustrations in question, had offices
in London, New York, and Melbourne. Mrs. White's
son, W. C. White, coordinated negotiations with all three offices. By giving specific credit to
Cassell for every picture used, they saved
themselves 40% of the price when using them in the British Adventist paper. But for
Spirit of Prophecy, volume 4, they opted for paying the
full price and omitting the credits ("Did The Great Controversy Contain Stolen
So the Whites endeavored to do everything appropriately, but even if something got
overlooked, we shouldn't crucify them for it. The best
of us sometimes goof.
Take for example the video's jacket, copyrighted by an organization associated with
Mark Martin, the video's executive producer. In the
upper left corner is a translucent, ghost-like picture of Mrs. White behind a church. This
picture apparently was first published in 1960, having
been "recently discovered" at that time (The Spirit of Prophecy Treasure
Chest, p. 172). That being so, Mr. Martin should have enquired
with the White Estate before using it. Since the White Estate has no recollection of such an
enquiry, and Mr. Martin declines to comment,
apparently Mr. Martin forgot to ensure that he was not violating any copyright laws. Perhaps
it was just an oversight.
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