A Response to the Video:
Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church
by Bob Pickle
Answers to Questions Raised by:
Mark Martin, Sydney Cleveland
Dale Ratzlaff, The White Lie
. . . and Others
Discern Fact from Fiction
Her Predictions and Views
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#37: "During the Civil War she prophesied that England would declare
war on the northern states, and
humble them into the dust. 'Said the angel... when England does declare war, all nations will
have an interest
of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion... this nation will yet
be humbled in
the dust...' Testimonies for the Church vol. 1
p. 259"—Sydney Cleveland. |
#37: She predicted that England would declare war.
Actually, this quotation was altered by someone. "This nation will yet be
humbled in the dust..." is a complete sentence standing on its own. Rather than coming at
the end of the selection, it is actually the sixth sentence
preceding the sentence "When England does declare
war . . . ." The intervening five sentences that were deleted
neutralize the point being
England is studying whether it is best to take advantage of the
present weak condition of our nation, and venture to make war upon her. She
is weighing the matter, and trying to sound other nations. She fears, if she
should commence war abroad, that she would be weak at home, and that
other nations would take advantage of her weakness. Other nations are making quiet yet
active preparations for war, and are hoping that England
will make war with our nation, for then they would improve the opportunity to be revenged
on her for the advantage she has taken of them in the
past and the injustice done them. A portion of the queen's subjects are waiting a favorable
opportunity to break their yoke; but if England thinks
it will pay, she will not hesitate a moment to improve her opportunities to exercise her power
and humble our nation.—italics added.
Clearly, Mrs. White's prediction was what would happen if England
declared war, not that England would declare war.
The documentation package merely gives under "Point 22" a copy of
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pages 259, 260. This copy
adequately documents the fact that the quotation as it appears on the video isn't genuine, and
that the context of the quotation neutralizes the
point being made by the video.
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